Thursday, May 28, 2009

*Continuation* of Hair Product Haul -- OVERLOAD

There were a few more products that I have added to my regimen (to test their worthiness of being in my perminent rotation) that I forgot to mention. I will also provide reviews on these products once I have done my regimen consistently for atleast a month. So here are the other products...

This is what happens when you mix a payday with a Sunday sale at Target! YAMNIT!!!!!

Organix fortifying Lavender Soymilk Shampoo & Conditioner

I have used the Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner and I was not that impressed. It was just ok for me. Now this one I like it so far but we will see. My concern with the conditioner though is that it seems a little watered down. I like richer products but I know with my hair I have to be careful. My hair can hold on to product. For example I can't use Motions conditioners because it will not wash out. But that is a conversation for another day another post.

Next we have Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum.

Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum

So far so good. I am really loving this little miracle in a bottle. It smells great and it is not greasy or sticky. I used it twice so far and there was no build up. You are suppose to apply this liquid gold after you wash your hair. We will see by the end of the month what the breakage report will look like but so far there has been some serious transformations with my hair shedding and breakage...all for the best! Keep your fingers crossed!

Lastly I have started using, Extra-Strength Formula Hair Serum for coarse/extremely frizzy hair.

Extra-Strength Formula Hair Serum for Coarse/Extremely Frizzy Hair

Let me excuse myself before I say this, but this shit is GREAT! After the first use I noticed a big difference. Since I have been battling bad breakage compounded with DC humidity my fly-aways have been OC! This product has really helped.
It is not greazy or sticky but it is very thick and rich. It gave my hair some extra shine and tamed what it could, which was way better than the grease and water trick I was trying to use.

1 comment:

  1. You may also want to look into Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum for the flyaways. I've always wanted to try the Frizz Ease but never felt it would work- it's going on my list now! :)
